
Effective links...

  • Educate your users about the destination
  • Contain active and descriptive words
  • Provide context

There are three distinct types of links available in Conductor editor:

Creating URL Links

Create a link to a URL.

In the editor:

  1. Highlight the text that will be a link
  2. Select the "Insert/Edit Link" button
  3. Enter the destination URL in the "URL" field
  4.  Select "Save"

Creating E-mail Links

Create a link that opens a pre-addressed email.

In the editor:

  1. Highlight the text that will become a link
  2. Select the "Insert/Edit Link" button
  3. Enter an email address in the "URL" field
  4. Select "Save"
  5. You will be presented with a follow-up dialog asking if you want to add a mailto prefix
  6. Select "Yes"

Creating Anchors and Linking to Anchors

An anchor can be used to mark a place on a page which can be the destination for a link.

Creating an anchor

In the editor:

  1. Place cursor where the anchor will be added. (place the cursor to the left of your text or item, rather than selecting the text or your item)
  2. Select the Anchor (Flag icon) button.
  3. In the "ID" field, enter a single word for the anchor in all lowercase letters.
  4. Select "Save"
  5. Notice the small icon that appears to indicate the presence of an anchor. (Note: Anchors are not visible on the website, only in the Conductor admin.)

Linking to a anchor

In the editor:

  1. Highlight the text that will become the link.
  2. Select the "Insert/Edit Link" button from the toolbar, not the inline helper.
  3. From the "Anchors" drop-down, select the target anchor
  4.  Select "Save"


The destination for this link is an anchor set at the top of this page.

Anchor URL

Anchors can be included in a URL to link from an external page to an anchor on another page.

For example:

The destination for this link is an anchor set at the top of this page and the full URL for this link is: