
Conductor's People feature is used to add, edit, and manage people. You can then insert pages on your site based on pre-determined People Groups. To add a page of all people, select the Add People Module from the Add Page drop-down. To add a page for specific group, select Add People Group from that menu, and then select the desired group. This will result in a page listing of only people that belong to that group (e.g. Faculty, Staff).

Adding People

To add a new person, select "Add Person" on the People screen. Step one is to search by name or NetID. This will return all people who match the query. If you do not find the person you are looking for, modify your search query and try again. Click the "Select" button on the record you wish to associate with this person. This will pre-populate data from the Notre Dame Directory for that person. These values may include:

  • Name
  • Title
  • Department
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Mobile
  • Fax
  • Website
  • Address

Each person also has default fields available (Biography, Education, and Research), not all of which may be in use on your site. If the data returned by the directory does not match what you want on your site, you can override the value under the Custom Fields tab. If you do not see the override options you need, contact us using Request Help in the admin.

Any Person that has been added to a site can also be tagged on News, Media Mentions, or Events.

View an example People page