
Managing a website can be difficult and frustrating. It shouldn’t be. Conductor aims to make content management a simple task. We try to make it easy to manage pages, work with images and files, and do powerful things without a lot of technical knowledge.

Conductor is fantastic for...

  • Departments
  • Administration
  • Centers
  • Staff
  • Institutes
  • Offices
  • Faculty
  • Labs

... at the University of Notre Dame. Conductor is not available outside the University.

Advantages to Using Conductor

  • Easy login & management with NetID You’ll never have to worry about lost passwords or usernames.
  • Securely hosted on Amazon Web Services All Conductor websites are hosted with Amazon Web Services and consistently report over 99.999% uptime.
  • Internally managed Upgrades, versions, and new releases to Conductor are developed by the Notre Dame Web Team. Upgrades are automatically applied. You’ll never need to worry about needing costly upgrades to your CMS.
  • Access to the Notre Dame news and events network Share news and events across multiple websites within the Notre Dame website network.
  • Easy assistance Conductor is managed by the Notre Dame Web Team on campus. Help and advice are just a walk, Zoom, or phone call away.
  • No server stuff Conductor is entirely web-based: no FTP, connection keys, or any of that junk. You can upload images and files right through your web browser.
  • Responsive Every website built in Conductor is fully responsive, meaning it will display wonderfully across a variety of devices (phones, tablets, and monitors).
  • Design flexibility The Web Team designs a variety of different styles of websites using Conductor. Conductor will support fully custom designs or preexisting templates. 
Office of Sustainability

Conductor Websites Look Fantastic

Why? Each is developed within the framework of the Notre Dame brand standards, which ensures the consistent and beautiful application of Notre Dame’s approved fonts, colors, and logos. Every new website has it’s own unique look and feel, but clearly fits within the University family.

Notre Dame Brand Elements


  • page editor
    Simple page editing
    Painlessly add, delete, or edit page content in just seconds.
  • server
    Custom Databases
    The ND Web team can use Conductor to create custom databases for customers that have content that requires it.
  • analytics
    Google Analytics
    Your Google Analytics data is fed directly into your Conductor dashboard, for ease of access and paying attention to your site traffic.
  • user
    Roles and Users
    Assign multiple users to your website, with varying levels of access to content based on their pre-assigned role.
  • uploads
    Easily manage the photos, pdfs, and other resources needed to make your site.
  • help
    Built-in Help
    Although Conductor was built for ease of use, if you have questions, help is just a click away, as are helpful tools and cheat sheets in the User Guide.


  • The news module gives the user the ability to add news, posts, or blog entries, displayed as a listing by most recent.

  • This module highlights instances of Notre Dame's involvement in the media, and links to articles on separate websites.

  • Conductor's Events feature is used to add, edit, manage, and import event items.

  • The people module provides for simple organization and display of grouping of people: staff, faculty, students, board members, etc, along with personal bios.

  • The galleries module provides simple, responsive display of photo galleries, anywhere on your website, with a easy-to-use admin.

  • This module formats and displays a simple, user friendly FAQ interface, and allows for simple editing within the admin.

  • Password protection allows particular pages to be restricted to specific groups of users, using NetID or password-based login.

Ready to get Rolling?