Conductor v16.10.12 - Drafts, Autosave, and more

Author: Erik Runyon

We're pretty excited about this update. Let's dive right into the changes.

Only show sites in the Import drop-downs that have News or Events

Previously when importing News or Events from other sites, you would see all sites that your site had configured as a source. We've updated this drop-down to only include sites that have News or Events available. So now, if you're in the "Import News" section, only sites you have selected that also have News will be available in the list.

Add public preview link for unpublished pages

Have you ever needed someone to review a page before it's published, but they're not an admin on your site? We've added a new feature where unpublished pages will generate a "Public Preview URL" that you can provide to anyone so they can view the page without logging in. To find the url, click on a page's title in the Pages list, and look for "Public Preview URL" at the bottom.


The goal of Autosave is to provide peace of mind. Now when editing a Page (not currently available for News, Events, or Textile sites), all of the content for the page will be saved to the browser every 10 seconds. That way, if something catastrophic happens, your changes won't be lost. If you leave the page for some reason without saving, you will be notified that there is autosaved data and provided with the option to restore or discard it. If discarded, Conductor will begin autosaving new data in the background and the old data will be discarded. If you choose to restore, all content on the page will be overwritten with the autosaved data. All autosaved data will automatically be discarded when a page is saved.


Page Draft ButtonsDraft options when editing a Page

Drafts provide the ability to work on a page, and then save those changes without publishing them to the live page. When working on a Page, you will have two new buttons. "Save as Draft" will save the Page as a Draft and will not affect the currently published content. "Save as Draft & Preview" will work the same, but will open a new tab so you can preview the Draft.

If a Page has a Draft, you will see a notice when editing the page stating "This page has a saved draft. Load it now?". Doing so will reload the page using the Draft content. When editing a Draft, the "Update Page" button at the bottom will be replaced by "Save Draft as Page". Clicking that button will replace the current live Page with your Draft. You will also have the option to simply save the Draft if you're not ready to publish it to the public.

Items of note:

  1. A Page can have only one Draft at a time.
  2. "Save Draft as Page" will update the current live page with the Draft and will remove the Draft itself (as it is now the live Page).
  3. The Draft buttons are not available on "New" pages. Once a page is saved, the Draft options will be available when you go back and edit the page.
  4. Drafts are also only available on Pages, not News or Events.

We hope you find these new features helpful. And as always, feel free to reach out to us with questions or comments using the Request Help link in your sites admin.