Conductor 15.9.10

Author: Erik Runyon

Quickly on the heels of the big users update comes a smaller bug-fix update. Updates from this mornings release:

  • Fix for events queries and time difference between South bend and the amazon
    • Some users were experiencing an issue where Events were displaying on the wrong day. This release fixes the issue.
  • Fix to Google Analytics
    • It took some work, but Google Analytics is back on your Dashboard. Google made a breaking change to its API a while back, but we finally have a fix in place. Enjoy your page visits once again.
  • Minor fixes to new Users interface
    • There were a few minor bugs with the Users update including Users count on the menu.
  • Added audit interface
    • This is a non-user feature that will allow us to track down when and where a change was made to content within Conductor.

That's it for this week. We'll be back soon with more update goodness.