Conductor's New Look

Author: John Slott

New Conductor Demo

On the morning of Tuesday, March 21, Conductor will be updated with a fresh look.

New Conductor Demo

Because the focus of this update is visual, the impact on the daily use of Conductor will be minimal. The vast majority of buttons, links, and functions are in a similar place, and do they do similar things.

Some of the language has been updated. Some functionality that was buried behind two or three actions is now available with a single selection. We’ve made a number of minor updates that have a significant and positive impact on the usability of the interface.

Perhaps the most exciting development is that the interface is now designed to be more responsive and more usable. The upgraded interface works well on small screens and touchscreens. Admins will be able to use a tablet, or even a phone, to edit a Conductor website.

Select Updates:


Details Button Example

In the Pages interface, the page names no longer link to Page Details. There is now a dedicated “Details” button. The page name will link to the Editing page.

Uploads Example

Uploads: Images now appear in a grid layout. The new layout emphasizes the images over the text and information. If you want to stick with the list view, that's an option too.

Events Dropdown Menu Example

The subpages associated with News and Events are now available via a dropdown menu, eliminating the need to visit the Events page to access Import Events.

Settings Page Name Example

The page formerly known as “Configuration” is now called “Settings."



As the tenth anniversary of Conductor’s inception approaches, we are proud and eager to share this update with you.

If you have any questions or comments about Conductor now, or after the update, please let us know.