Conductor 1.5.10

Author: Jeremy Friesen

Rich Text Editor

By default, all new Conductor sites will make use of a rich text editor. Textile will still be available and supported, but will no longer be our focus. The rich text editor that we are using is CKEditor.

Conductor Login Failure

If you want to convert your site from using textile to the rich text editor, please let us know. We can help you determine if the move is right for you.

Graceful handling of Login failures

Conductor makes use of the EDS server to verify your NetID and password. On occasion, the EDS server becomes unavailable. Conductor will now give the EDS server a few seconds to respond, and if it doesn’t you will receive a message informing you of the problem.

Other Tweaks

  • If you enter a URL to somewhere in the Admin, once you login, you will be redirected to that URL instead of to your site’s dashboard.
  • We continue to push out the Admin theme. We have added a search template to the theme to ensure that search results match the design of an Admin themed site.